Echoes from the Past

News from A Century Ago

Excerpts from "Views from the Watch Tower"
in 1898 by C. T. Russell

Zionism and the Messianic Prophecies

Some years ago, being curious to know how learned Hebrews view the Old Testament reference to Christ—as "a lamb for the slaughter," etc., we visited a friendly Rabbi, and asked him the question. He replied that Hebrews apply these prophecies to the Hebrew people and their centuries of bitter experiences under more or less of persecution. We are forcibly reminded of this false method of interpretation by the statement of Dr. Herzl at the Basel Congress, held August 29th last;—to the effect that that Congress was the birth of their Messiah;—that the Messiah class which they hope will fulfill all the good promises of Scripture concerning Abraham’s seed was there organized. It appears, too, that the date (Aug. 29) was selected in harmony with a tradition prevalent among the Bulgarian Jews to the effect that Messiah would be born on that date.

This is quoted with some assurance of endorsement by Rabbi Joseph Krauskopf in a recent discourse from which we quote the following comment on the Zionist movement and congress. He said:—

"The boldness of that dream startled the world. As for me, when the full report reached me and I read the fearful story of the ‘Judennoth,’ that was submitted to the congress, I could not wonder at the statement by Dr. Herzl, the president of the congress, during the first day’s session ‘The Bulgarian Jews have long believed that the Messiah should be born a twenty-ninth of August. They were right, THE MESSIAH HAS BEEN BORN TODAY in the Zionist Congress.’

"It was a magnificent assemblage of Israelites that had gathered there in congress. Two hundred delegates, representing as many hundreds of thousands of people, had come with a most sacred purpose, that of putting an end to the persecutions and miseries of millions of Jews by reacquiring for them of their own native Palestine and reestablishing them there in peaceful and honorable industries.

"It was beyond doubt the most remarkable gathering in the whole history of Israel. The venerable Dr. Lippe opened the congress and Dr. Herzl gave the keynote of the movement, comparing the inflictions of the modern anti-Semite with the Jew baiter of former centuries. A similar tale of woe was told by Max Nordau. It was the same refrain by all, and the congress concluded that the settlement of Palestine was the only solution of the Jewish question.

"It was a dream and yet not all a dream. Some very stern reality was beneath it all, which neither skeptic nor scoffer can sneer away. It has come to stay. The superstructure of the castle will, in all probability, take a different and more practical form from that outlined in its first designs, but the foundation upon which it rests will remain unchanged. Among those builders who had come from different parts of the world to discuss the plans for an ark of safety, there may have been many a visionary, but there were also those who know from personal bitter experiences the real need of an ark that is to bear the Jew high on the crest of the flood of the ‘Judennoth’ that is rushing in upon us from all sides. The foundation timber is: Relief of the fatally congested centers of Jewish population by means of agriculture and colonization at home, abroad, in adopted lands, in Zion, anywhere, everywhere, but always agriculture with its accompanying handicraftsmen, industrialists, and men following professions.

"Upon research, I have found that Palestine, with the adjacent countries stretching between the Euphrates and the Tigris, that are now almost deserted, could amply support millions of agriculturists. The soil is luxuriantly fertile, the climate salubrious, the water pure and abundant, the irrigation canals of the ancients still available. The winters are short and mild, the summers long enough to ripen two harvests. The products of all the land can be laid down in the capitals of Europe within five days after their shipment and in price and excellence they can drive from the market those of other competing countries. Because of these conclusions I have been proclaimed a Zionist and asked to attend the second congress at Jerusalem next summer." (R2256)

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Preparations for War

The chief concerns of the world are food, clothing, shelter, money, and the preparations of munitions of war;—among the Christian (?) nations. "Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears:" turn your factories from the manufacture of the implements of peace to the preparation of war materials is the order of the day.

Great Britain vs. France and Russia, as well as Spain vs. the United States, are straining every nerve to be prepared for war, should it come;—the former over China and her trade, the latter over Cuba and her liberty. We have many reasons for hoping that a conflict will be averted in both cases. Should war come, however, in either case our sympathies would, we are glad to say, justly be with the English speaking nations. For altho England’s policy in China has not been one of disinterested benevolence, there can be no question that it has been and is and will continue to be more liberal toward the Chinese than would be the yokes of other Christian (?) nations of Europe.

An armed intervention by the United States to secure the liberty of Cuba from the despotism and cruelty of the most bitter and cruel nation in Christendom would be, as nearly as can be imagined, a war on lines of disinterested benevolence. We believe that it is neither the desire of the government nor of the people of the United States to annex Cuba, while its population in all respects is as dissimilar to our own as is that of Mexico: hence whatever may be done for Cuba must be accredited either to pride or to benevolence—as with the food supplies already sent and still being forwarded by government and people to relieve victims of barbarity.

We incline to think that the President’s policy will result in securing for Cuba, without war, a liberty similar to that enjoyed in Canada, and if so he will deserve the congratulations of all civilized peoples. However, should war come—either of the above suggested—it would have no special prophetic significance so far as we can see. It would mean loss of life, increase of debts: and by increased business prosperity for a few years it would really put off the great catastrophe which will overthrow all governments in anarchy. (R2281)

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The Czar’s Peace Proposal

Czar Nicholas, Emperor of Russia, has startled the world with a proposition looking toward universal peace—"a durable peace"—by the disarmament of the larger proportion of the armies of Europe. He asks a conference of representative men of all nations to consider the subject: and all the leading nations including the United States, have responded favorably, promising to send delegates to the Peace Conference. The London Chronicle considers the Czar’s note the most striking document of the century, and the London Telegraph says, "Rarely, if ever, was there ever a more important document in the history of the world." The Press (New York) says, "The document is epochal. . . . The millennium of European disarmament is brought within range of profitable discussion." The Public Ledger (Philadelphia) says, "It may not lead at once to a national disarmament and an agreement to refer all matters in dispute to arbitration, but it will pave the way for this desirable result." The Times (New York) says, "It may be the beginning of the most momentous and beneficent movement of modern history, indeed of all history."

Among other reasons prompting to the humane course suggested, the Czar calls attention to the fact that present vast armaments were prompted by a desire for peace, but have proved ineffectual and instead are increasing financial burdens. He says:—

"All these efforts have not yet been able to bring about the beneficent result desired —pacification. The financial charges following the upward march strike at the very root of public prosperity. The intellectual and physical strength of the nations’ labor and capital are mostly diverted from their natural application and are unproductively consumed. Hundreds of millions are devoted to acquiring terrible engines of destruction which, though today regarded as the last work of science, are destined tomorrow to lose all their value in consequence of some fresh discovery in the same field. National culture, economic progress and the production of wealth are either paralyzed or checked in development.

"The economic crisis due in great part to the system of armaments l’ outrance, and the continual danger which lies in this massing of war material, are transforming the armed peace of our day into a crushing burden which the people have more and more difficulty in bearing.

"It appears evident that if this state of things were to be prolonged it would inevitably lead to the very cataclysm it is desired to avert, and the horrors whereof make every thinking being shudder in advance.

"To put an end to these incessant armaments and to seek the means of warding off the calamities which are threatening the whole world—such is the supreme duty imposed upon all states.

"This conference will be, by the help of God, a happy presage for the century which is about to open. It would converge into one powerful focus the efforts of all states sincerely seeking to make the great conception of universal peace triumph."

Right glad would we be to hope for just such a universal peace and maintenance of the present order of things, "the present evil world," if we had no better hope, no better prospect. But as Watchers we have been "taught of God" through his word to expect no permanent peace from even the best intentioned monarchs and governments during these "times of the Gentiles" (Dan. 2:34, 35, 44, 45; 7:4-13, 14, 27; Luke 21:24). Not until Immanuel shall, in Jehovah’s appointed times and seasons, take his great power and reign and bind Satan, "the prince of this world," who now "worketh in the hearts of the children of disobedience," can we look for the golden age of prophecy. Then humbled under the mighty hand of God, the world will "seek peace and ensue it."

But not withstanding the welcome given the Czar’s suggestion, few on sober second thought see reasons of hope for practical results: it is accepted rather as a benevolent wish rather than even the Czar’s hope. Our own expectation is that such a disarmament as is proposed will come within about six years: whether or not it will be preceded by a great general European war, only the Lord knows, but we incline to think it will not. We expect such a disarmament surely within the next ten years for several reasons:—

(1) Because within that time commercial competition will make merchandise of all kinds very cheap, and debts, interest charges, and government expenses proportionately the more burdensome. To reduce the burden upon the masses it will by that time be necessary to force it disproportionately upon the wealthy, or else reduce the burden; and disarmament will probably result.

(2) Humanity will delude itself with the thought that such disarmament is the prelude to the Millennium: and so it will be, but in an opposite sense from what they expect. "The wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall not be manifested" (Isa. 29:14); and when thus they shall be disarming, saying "Peace and Safety!" they will be very close to the great cataclysm of trouble, and doing the very thing to hasten the overthrow of the present social structure. Because,

(3) The present glut of the labor markets of "Christendom" will be intensified by further application of machinery within the next ten years; and the tremendous effect of augmenting the supply of labor to the extent of from one to five millions of men in the prime of life would surely mean a financial depression and social upheaval which would shake the thrones of Europe and overthrow many of them.

(4) Such social upheavals, eventuating in world wide anarchy, are what the Scripture prophecies lead us to expect as the precursor of the Millennium which God has promised, when our Redeemer and his glorified church shall intervene to deliver mankind from the oppression of its own selfishness, and to bless it with an enforced rule of righteousness along the lines of the heavenly law of love. (R2360, 2361)

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The Second Zionist Congress

The Second Congress of Israelites from all parts of the world, to consider the interests and welfare of the natural seed of Abraham, and especially looking to a reestablishment of Israel as a nation in the old homestead, Palestine, has closed. Like the first it was held in the city of Basel, Switzerland. All reports indicate that the Zionist movement has gathered much momentum since the Congress of a year ago: about four hundred delegates [1,400—Editor] were present—nearly seven times as many as at the first one.

Addresses were delivered by a number of prominent Israelites, setting forth the necessity and urgency of the movement, and pointing out that prophecy and the traditions of the nation as well as the growing hostility toward their race, everywhere, all urged forcefully in the direction toward which they were heading. In view of the fact that Palestine is under the control of Turkey, and that foreign Jews have been prohibited from emigrating thither for now seven years, suggested the idea that the duty of the hour would be to labor for the betterment of the conditions of Jews already there, and to wait and trust for the Providential opening of the "door" in the near future. To this end a Palestine Banking Company, "The Colonial Bank," of $10,000,000 capital was provided for—to promote and foster various enterprises in Palestine—all of which shall in every sense of the word be in Jewish hands and employ Jews only. An advance intimation of this matter had gotten abroad, and as a result it was announced that $1,000,000, one tenth of the capital, had already been subscribed, and over ninety-six percent of it in single shares of $5 each, by Jews in all parts of the world. This indicates that the movement is taking hold of the hopes of the race. A new flag was raised;—a white six-pointed star on a blue ground—and it served to add to the patriotic fervor. Even the populace of Basel caught the inspiration seemingly and cheered—"Hoch die Juden;" i.e., Hurrah for the Jews! Has this occurred before for over eighteen hundred years? Not that we know of. God’s time has come for regathering Israel, and those who lend a hand will receive encouragement.

For twenty-three years past we have been calling attention to Isaiah 40:1, 2—showing that it became applicable in April 1878, and that within forty years (before 1915) the prophesied divine favor beginning by regathering Israel from all lands "into their own land" would be an accomplished fact. "Adventists" ridiculed, declaring that much sooner than that the earth would be in cinders; "orthodoxy" sneered that Israel’s regathering and the Millennium were thousands of years off and that first the gentiles must all be converted; Jews themselves were of two opinions—one class declaring that they and the leaders of Jewish thought and the rising generation had abandoned all hope of a Palestine home and ignored the prophecies relating to a regathering, or else applied them to the United States—the "new Promised Land;" the other class expressing hope and faith in the prophecies, declared that according to Jewish chronology (not the Bible chronology which we follow) over three hundred and fifty years yet remained before the completion of six thousand years from Adam and that nothing could be hoped for sooner.

Only one-half of the forty years have passed, and what do we see! Palestine is rejuvenating: not only has it been connected with civilization by railroads, telegraphs, and telephones, but the seasons are becoming more regular as respects rain, and the thousands of Jews driven thither by Russian persecution some ten years ago are taking root and are now to be helped with money, in a practical way, and the eyes of Israel and the world are opening to the fact that "The testimonies of the Lord are sure, making wise the simple," and that prophecies over two thousand years old are being fulfilled before us.

But the "Watchers" should not for a moment lose sight of the chief lesson which Israel’s revival teaches us, namely that every evidence of the return of divine favor to fleshly Israel is an evidence that divine favor to spiritual Israel is gradually drawing to a close, because the divine purpose respecting this Gospel age has about reached fulfillment—in the selection of the Gospel church, spiritual Israel, the bride, the Lamb’s wife.—See Romans 11:25-33 (R2361)